For the next few weeks we will be going to total of 6 countries, will be having 9 plane rides, scoring thousands of air miles and just having fun.
Yes, the annual New Years trip begins shortly.
By looking at the past year it has been crazy. From going around Europe (Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Monaco, France, Uk, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Hungary, Jylland) and then getting to North America (twice (remember Canada on a short 5 days trip with kids) and then fun in New York and now in Canada). No wonder that my kids don't care where we will go next, just inform them if they need to change their DS or it will be on the flight and they are good to go.
That is great, isn't it. Well, this time we are adding a bit extra on a plate. We are heading to Barcelona and Prague. Places we have't visited yet.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
job experience
Prior to coming to North America I have heard that it has been impossible to get a job. There were several couples coming to Canada and leaving after 3 years, just because the wife were getting crazy of staying home.
(Just a comment: there is absolutely nothing wrong being a home-stayed mum, but it is not a job for everyone. Trust me, my kids will appreciate much more me being at work and use my potential then going after them.)
Well, back to the topic, guess what, I have decided to prove everyone wrong. And I did! I did, and note: I am in a french speaking part of Canada.
Especially after the stung Simcorp HR has done to me, that was a war. A war I was going to win. A war to show that I am not bl... wife, but a person who can, want and will contribute to the society, to the economy and to the family.
And I WON IT. Yes, I DID. One should see the faces of some of the managers with not that much of a surprise but more like 'way to go'. I did it, I managed to land 2 jobs out of two and I am d... proud of my self.
So no matter where you go, if you have qualification and positive attitude, things can be done. Just look at my example.
country club
So, we came to the stage when we just enjoying life and trying to get the most of it. While we are in Canada our kids got an opportunity to swim in the best facility of Montreal, and maybe all Canada, to figure skate in one of the best arenas, to learn to Alp ski and now we were considering to get them to tennis or golf by summer.
There is a nice tennis club just around the corner from us. Easy to get, nice area, definitely nice cars. So, we have decided to look at the website. Ready?
In order to be a member of the club (which by the way cost: an entrance fee of 4200$ and 1355$ annual fee (that explains the nice car part I presume)) one should follow the following process:
- Proposal & Application. Two members of at least two years (one Proposer and one Seconder) are required to nominate a candidate. The Proposer requests an application from the club and assists the candidate in its completion. The Proposer and Seconder must be well acquainted with the candidate and cannot be married. The candidate must also be known by three other members of the club. All members listed in the application must be in good standing.
- Review of Application. During the review of the application, the Proposer will be contacted by the Membership Committee to further explore his/her knowledge of the candidate’s background and character.
- Meeting Directors. Following the review of the application, a meeting is arranged with two Directors (this step is not necessary if the candidate is already known by two directors).
- Notice to Membership. Upon completion of step 3, during a 7-day posting period, members are asked to provide any information, objections or recommendations that could impact the acceptance of the candidate.
- Offer of Membership. At the end of the posting period, and upon approval of the Board of Directors, the candidate will be invited to become a member. The candidate will be contacted to complete any remaining paperwork and to remit any required fees. With the completion of this final step, the candidate is now a member of Hillside and entitled to all the benefits of membership. Listen I am not joking!!! These are the rules. So the question now is: do we really want this, or how to get 2 friends who are members of the tennis club. You know where we stand in this case....
Monday, November 28, 2011
Job interview in Canada
Well, today I got my first Canadian interview. Actually if was the second one, as the first one was over the phone.
Generally it is the same way as in Denmark, one needs to tell why this company, where do you see yourself in 5 years.
What I have found a completely different is the test part.
The whole interview was 4 hours. Yes, 4 hours. 1 hour one uses to talk about stuff, you know, what the job is about etc. The other 3 is a test. And yes, it is a test of ones knowledge with no help. You just get a piece of paper with tasks, computer and off you go. So, in other words, it doesn't matter where you worked before, who is your uncle or who is your golf buddy (however the last one might still help). Here, it is a matter of your knowledge, way of thinking creatively, outside of the box and not to panic.
Everything happens in a nice way, with a smile.
So no matter what I got an interview!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Credit rating
You know, if some of you ever experienced moving to a new country and starting all your life from the scratch, you will understand me.
We have moved to Montreal a little over a month and now it is the time to get settled and get things started. Well, not that easy. If one is not a Rockefeller or Donald Trump, building a live can be difficult here. I admit one can buy everything cash. I would say more then everything. No one will ever ask you where the money come from, why you have so much cash, and why not to pay with a credit card. Actually just experience of an incident at the doctor, when one couldn't pay cash, but only with visa created a chaos among the patiences. Anyway, talking about cash. So if one wants to open a credit card is all about cash. It all depends how much cash one has and how much one wants to tight cash to ones account. The more - the better.
When one get to rent an apartment in Denmark, it will be highly suspicious if the landlord will ask you to pay cash or with a cheque. That will be a signal to call the police or tax authorities. Well, in here, if your landlord will ask you to pay with a credit card, that is where one should be cautious. Why? Well, they believe is that then landlord can get too much information about you. Maybe yes, maybe not. I just find it strange to keep writing cheque for our apartment, school, figure skating, etc.
Anyway, and then it come shopping. And that goes down to credit rating. Again, if one has cash, and easily can afford 25000$ car cash, then no question asked and no problem. However, if one wants to finance the car, then there comes the fun ride. One need to prove a credit history in order to be allowed to finance the car. And in order to get a credit history one need to get a loan of some kind. Catch 22, isn't it? We have had one of the experiences that I will be able to remember till the day I die. We wanted to get a lease transferred for the last 6 months. We could pay all lease cash, we had co-signers (someone canadian, that is willing to say, "yes" we will pay, if they will not), and we were ready to take the lease. As we didn't have any credit history, we couldn't get the transfer. So the car dealer decided to help us out. We were offered to buy the car for the value of it, at the end of the lease, plus lease the car for the last 6 months. Wow, what a plan... I don't even know how to be grateful for that "help".
Anyway, so at the moment I believe our feelings will be very much so described in the following cartoon:
We have moved to Montreal a little over a month and now it is the time to get settled and get things started. Well, not that easy. If one is not a Rockefeller or Donald Trump, building a live can be difficult here. I admit one can buy everything cash. I would say more then everything. No one will ever ask you where the money come from, why you have so much cash, and why not to pay with a credit card. Actually just experience of an incident at the doctor, when one couldn't pay cash, but only with visa created a chaos among the patiences. Anyway, talking about cash. So if one wants to open a credit card is all about cash. It all depends how much cash one has and how much one wants to tight cash to ones account. The more - the better.
When one get to rent an apartment in Denmark, it will be highly suspicious if the landlord will ask you to pay cash or with a cheque. That will be a signal to call the police or tax authorities. Well, in here, if your landlord will ask you to pay with a credit card, that is where one should be cautious. Why? Well, they believe is that then landlord can get too much information about you. Maybe yes, maybe not. I just find it strange to keep writing cheque for our apartment, school, figure skating, etc.
Anyway, and then it come shopping. And that goes down to credit rating. Again, if one has cash, and easily can afford 25000$ car cash, then no question asked and no problem. However, if one wants to finance the car, then there comes the fun ride. One need to prove a credit history in order to be allowed to finance the car. And in order to get a credit history one need to get a loan of some kind. Catch 22, isn't it? We have had one of the experiences that I will be able to remember till the day I die. We wanted to get a lease transferred for the last 6 months. We could pay all lease cash, we had co-signers (someone canadian, that is willing to say, "yes" we will pay, if they will not), and we were ready to take the lease. As we didn't have any credit history, we couldn't get the transfer. So the car dealer decided to help us out. We were offered to buy the car for the value of it, at the end of the lease, plus lease the car for the last 6 months. Wow, what a plan... I don't even know how to be grateful for that "help".
Anyway, so at the moment I believe our feelings will be very much so described in the following cartoon:
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fist week in Canada
The past week we had ups and downs.
David and Masha has started school at Marie de France. Finally, after 6,5 extra weeks of vacations.
David got into CM2 (intensive english program) where the program is one week in French and one week in English. It started good for him, as I can see, a friend of his is coming over tomorrow for a swim-play date.
Masha started in Mat2 a day later, and she loves it. The quite I got form her is, "we have to work a lot". Well, comparing to a Danish kindergarten, when one just plays, here there is stuff one should do, and there is a homework once in a while.
So, while our kids were in school, we were busy battling the bureaucracy. Oh, bureaucracy, bureaucracy, bureaucracy. Sometimes one thinks that if you move to another country things will be easier, it will be less bureaucratic, people will be more understandable. In some cases things go so smoothly, in some, well not that easy. Like how can you explain a canadian export in Danish society that Frederiksberg municipality is not the only municipality in Denmark. And why does one needs to explain that at all?
Any way, one thing we have learn a hard way, and I believe it will take us years to get used to, is the politeness of the people. Even if you don't have everything for the file, if you are not qualified or something, they will not yell, they will not shout, they will not tell you everything what they think about you, not, very politely you will be asked to complete the file, to come back, to wait, etc. That is something we have to learn to deal with, something one doesn't see too often in danish public offices. But one thing remands the same....
Monday, October 10, 2011
Friends in need are friends indeed
Well, nothing has changed since the last update. We are still waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
This past month I have realized that I am so blessed with the friends. Each weekend we have been invited over to different states (NY, CT and PA) and different houses to spend time with real people. That is such a blessing. We spend time to go on a hay ride and apple picking, we went to have face painting and make hot dogs on an open fire, we observed Amish and played boardgames and just had a great time.
I could never imagine that I will be seeing some people 10-12 and 13 years later. The amazing thing is that it felt like time had never passed. All of us have kids now, married and settled (apart of me, I guess). All are happy, got what they wanted and living the life it looks like they are enjoying. And it is so great to see and to be a little part of it.
THANK YOU ALL, REALLY. We feel so blessed.
On the dark side of things - nothing had happened. We are busy counting to 10 and not to yell at the company with the inhuman way of treating us. We are busy not to scream at the top management for they lack of management skills, cooperation, sense of reality and human kind. We are busy doing things ourselves, as this is the only way things can and will be done, as company doesn't care. I would never imagine in my life, that I will be facing such a test. This is a test for our patience, our family life, for our kids and our insanity. And I know with Gods help we will come as winners, with out heads up.
Today I have decided to post a new cartoon as a comment to the excuses our lawyers came out with. They have been calling the Quebec authorities for the last 14 days with no respond, or were they not? The question remains open, because I still believe in good in people.
This past month I have realized that I am so blessed with the friends. Each weekend we have been invited over to different states (NY, CT and PA) and different houses to spend time with real people. That is such a blessing. We spend time to go on a hay ride and apple picking, we went to have face painting and make hot dogs on an open fire, we observed Amish and played boardgames and just had a great time.
I could never imagine that I will be seeing some people 10-12 and 13 years later. The amazing thing is that it felt like time had never passed. All of us have kids now, married and settled (apart of me, I guess). All are happy, got what they wanted and living the life it looks like they are enjoying. And it is so great to see and to be a little part of it.
THANK YOU ALL, REALLY. We feel so blessed.
On the dark side of things - nothing had happened. We are busy counting to 10 and not to yell at the company with the inhuman way of treating us. We are busy not to scream at the top management for they lack of management skills, cooperation, sense of reality and human kind. We are busy doing things ourselves, as this is the only way things can and will be done, as company doesn't care. I would never imagine in my life, that I will be facing such a test. This is a test for our patience, our family life, for our kids and our insanity. And I know with Gods help we will come as winners, with out heads up.
Today I have decided to post a new cartoon as a comment to the excuses our lawyers came out with. They have been calling the Quebec authorities for the last 14 days with no respond, or were they not? The question remains open, because I still believe in good in people.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Cultural shock I guess
Normally, I am a very positive person, but recent events made me so mad that I simple in need of telling my thought and concerns.
I can't believe what Morten is facing at his office.
First, as you know, we are still in New York City, waiting. Understand me correctly: NY is definitely not the last place on earth you wouldn't want to be stuck at. But 5 weeks in a hotel room with 2 kids? Again, I would be fine with that, but then, comes the twist.
Our lawyer, who was representing us for Canadian authorities, changed jobs. We were not informed about that. When we learned about the change, a while later, we had to sign a new agreement, signed by Simcorp as well, to allow us to get a new representative. But what happens next is beyond my understanding. Now, we have to wait additional 2 weeks to be approved of our new representative. The decision is made, but in order for us to get the papers, we need our new representative to be approved.
The second thing is more about me. 2 managers at Simcorp expressed a desire to hire me, due to my knowledge, skills and experience. Sounds good, right? Well, when Morten gave my CV, to one of managers, he was informed that there is just a little thing. We needed to clear 'husband/wife' issue. Fair enough. As US HR was sick for almost 2 weeks, we have contacted Danish HR and required information. And we got it, quite quickly, efficiently, with the case a, b, and c explanations. So there were, of course, no problem, as it was not a problem for more then 10 people we know of. But... The comes the most unspeakable thing. I would understand, if they were interested, I would understand, there were many better qualified apprentices. But this is not the case. They were first asking about my interest for working for the company, was is just for being polite? And that is definately not the skills that are lacking, ok, I would say the guy with this kind of experience:
• Worked for the summers of 2006, 2007 and 2008 by offering labor services
• Gained valuable mechanical experience while earning money for college
If this is more suitable for the company then my skills then I am way too wrong.
The worse part about that the manager, looks into Morten eyes and lies. Just lies. How on earth one should be able to work under that kind of manager, how, I ask myself. I don't know if he thinks that Morten is stupid, or naive, or both at the same time. Why not to say the truth. Why?
Anyway, I needed to say that out loud.
I am proud of Morten that he keeps his cool. I do, and that he somehow deals with all this situation. He is the best.
I can't believe what Morten is facing at his office.
First, as you know, we are still in New York City, waiting. Understand me correctly: NY is definitely not the last place on earth you wouldn't want to be stuck at. But 5 weeks in a hotel room with 2 kids? Again, I would be fine with that, but then, comes the twist.
Our lawyer, who was representing us for Canadian authorities, changed jobs. We were not informed about that. When we learned about the change, a while later, we had to sign a new agreement, signed by Simcorp as well, to allow us to get a new representative. But what happens next is beyond my understanding. Now, we have to wait additional 2 weeks to be approved of our new representative. The decision is made, but in order for us to get the papers, we need our new representative to be approved.
The second thing is more about me. 2 managers at Simcorp expressed a desire to hire me, due to my knowledge, skills and experience. Sounds good, right? Well, when Morten gave my CV, to one of managers, he was informed that there is just a little thing. We needed to clear 'husband/wife' issue. Fair enough. As US HR was sick for almost 2 weeks, we have contacted Danish HR and required information. And we got it, quite quickly, efficiently, with the case a, b, and c explanations. So there were, of course, no problem, as it was not a problem for more then 10 people we know of. But... The comes the most unspeakable thing. I would understand, if they were interested, I would understand, there were many better qualified apprentices. But this is not the case. They were first asking about my interest for working for the company, was is just for being polite? And that is definately not the skills that are lacking, ok, I would say the guy with this kind of experience:
• Worked for the summers of 2006, 2007 and 2008 by offering labor services
• Gained valuable mechanical experience while earning money for college
If this is more suitable for the company then my skills then I am way too wrong.
The worse part about that the manager, looks into Morten eyes and lies. Just lies. How on earth one should be able to work under that kind of manager, how, I ask myself. I don't know if he thinks that Morten is stupid, or naive, or both at the same time. Why not to say the truth. Why?
Anyway, I needed to say that out loud.
I am proud of Morten that he keeps his cool. I do, and that he somehow deals with all this situation. He is the best.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
3,5 weeks and counting
So, it has been 17 days seen we left Denmark. What had happened since then... Let me see:
We can pack our life in 8 suitcases.
We moved in to hotel, one stop away from World Trade Center with a beautiful view of Empire State Building and downtown.
Morten, my Morten Høgholm, has been at NASDAQ ringing the closing bell with SimCorp.
We managed to rent a 7 seated Chrysler for $9,99 a day. A size of a car we definitely don't need, unless we will be hunting a moose in the woods.
David tried his first lobster and he loved it.
After couple of days at the playground Masha began to say English words with Hindu accent.
There are no hippos in whole New York area.
I met a couple of my childhood friends, whom I have't seen for the last 11-15 years.
We have discovered that some clothes can be more expensive then in Denmark, like Gant or Huge Boss.
We have seen more commercials on TV then we have ever seen in the past year. And that is not because we see TV a lot.
And news of the day, no news about Canada.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
New York and story before that
Many things have changed since the day I have written last time.
We have made it to New York. Yes, this is correct, New York. You will ask why, weren't we not suppose to go to Montreal.
Yes, but Morten had to do a project for his Danish office involving US office, so we have tagged alone, while we are waiting for Canadian visa.
What can I say. I don't think I have realized that we are in US. It feels like a long nightmare with all that moves (this is the second move in a weeks time), packing house, dealing with goodbye and tears, and all the rest of the stuff that came along.
However, looking from the bright sites, it is working out as we wished it will be.
Last Wednesday we have packed our house into a huge container. A bit stressful task as we were suppose to do it over 2 days, but with a little mistake from a moving company we ended up doing all in one day. However thanks to the mistake, we got 3 cleaning ladies making sure that our house is in a decent conditions for our coming tenders. Wow, that was so great of them to offer. If I have to choose I will go alone with such kind of mistakes next time.
Then a move to a top nice apartment at Islands Brygger. For 40.000 Dkk a month (no, it was not us who was paying for it) you get a top Danish design apartment with a sea view and no, absolutely no place to hang your clothes, as that didn't go with the design.
And so today was a second move. This time we will be staying for 2 weeks at the same place and then we hope that we will be heading North.
So welcome to us to New York. Time to explore, see and enjoy the best experience ever.
Updates are coming but so far enjoy the view from our hotel...
We have made it to New York. Yes, this is correct, New York. You will ask why, weren't we not suppose to go to Montreal.
Yes, but Morten had to do a project for his Danish office involving US office, so we have tagged alone, while we are waiting for Canadian visa.
What can I say. I don't think I have realized that we are in US. It feels like a long nightmare with all that moves (this is the second move in a weeks time), packing house, dealing with goodbye and tears, and all the rest of the stuff that came along.
However, looking from the bright sites, it is working out as we wished it will be.
Last Wednesday we have packed our house into a huge container. A bit stressful task as we were suppose to do it over 2 days, but with a little mistake from a moving company we ended up doing all in one day. However thanks to the mistake, we got 3 cleaning ladies making sure that our house is in a decent conditions for our coming tenders. Wow, that was so great of them to offer. If I have to choose I will go alone with such kind of mistakes next time.
Then a move to a top nice apartment at Islands Brygger. For 40.000 Dkk a month (no, it was not us who was paying for it) you get a top Danish design apartment with a sea view and no, absolutely no place to hang your clothes, as that didn't go with the design.
And so today was a second move. This time we will be staying for 2 weeks at the same place and then we hope that we will be heading North.
So welcome to us to New York. Time to explore, see and enjoy the best experience ever.
Updates are coming but so far enjoy the view from our hotel...

Thursday, August 11, 2011
From Zurich to Nice
It is summer, and it is +30 outside. And we are so enjoying it.
Thanks to my colleague Per we have ended up in South of France. But first...
We took a detour via Zurich. Our loved Zurich, the place where we end up every half a year so far.
But this time Mr David got a camera and off he went to take pictures, especially of one person...
Even that due to the exchange rate prices ended up being about 20% higher then we are used to, and as we all know, Switzerland is not cheap in the first place, we ended up have a lunch and not buying anything at all.
And then... LA MER...
Oh, I felt just like Mr Bean in Mr Bean's vacations. How beautiful it is.
The place we were recommended is very nice, owned by a french/danish couple. Apartments are something what you expect to be. However there are few very good points about this place: a. it is a closed areas with a guard, so no one can get in without an invitation or the key, b. we have an access to a private pool, where there are about 10 families in all have an access at the same time.
It has been almost a week, and we haven't been only using a pool.
We have seen Gourdon, La Loup waterfall, Cannes, Nice, Monaco, Italy (boarder city), Menton, Antique and Cap Martin. So far there are more places to see and to do. But the picture of the day is...
Thanks to my colleague Per we have ended up in South of France. But first...
We took a detour via Zurich. Our loved Zurich, the place where we end up every half a year so far.
But this time Mr David got a camera and off he went to take pictures, especially of one person...

Even that due to the exchange rate prices ended up being about 20% higher then we are used to, and as we all know, Switzerland is not cheap in the first place, we ended up have a lunch and not buying anything at all.
And then... LA MER...
Oh, I felt just like Mr Bean in Mr Bean's vacations. How beautiful it is.
The place we were recommended is very nice, owned by a french/danish couple. Apartments are something what you expect to be. However there are few very good points about this place: a. it is a closed areas with a guard, so no one can get in without an invitation or the key, b. we have an access to a private pool, where there are about 10 families in all have an access at the same time.
It has been almost a week, and we haven't been only using a pool.
We have seen Gourdon, La Loup waterfall, Cannes, Nice, Monaco, Italy (boarder city), Menton, Antique and Cap Martin. So far there are more places to see and to do. But the picture of the day is...

Friday, July 29, 2011
A view from the other side
To me dearest wife I can only say one thing:

Yes, blatantly stolen from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy but it is true nonetheless (and we must remember to bring towels - then all will be okay!).
Seriously though, we are beginning to wrap things up here which feels good as we are all eager to get going. We just hope the paperwork is going to be done soon so that we are allowed entry into Canada! Had a nice farewell party at Zhenya's work today with lots of colleagues coming to eat the cupcakes we brought. I had to publicly apologize for stealing her away from them for two years and was only allowed to live if I promised to bring her back. She also received some very nice gifts to help her keep warm during the long winter in Canada: mittens and slippers. It was very nice of them and I thank them for that.
Watch this space for updates.

Yes, blatantly stolen from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy but it is true nonetheless (and we must remember to bring towels - then all will be okay!).
Seriously though, we are beginning to wrap things up here which feels good as we are all eager to get going. We just hope the paperwork is going to be done soon so that we are allowed entry into Canada! Had a nice farewell party at Zhenya's work today with lots of colleagues coming to eat the cupcakes we brought. I had to publicly apologize for stealing her away from them for two years and was only allowed to live if I promised to bring her back. She also received some very nice gifts to help her keep warm during the long winter in Canada: mittens and slippers. It was very nice of them and I thank them for that.
Watch this space for updates.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Facebook posting

Funny, today I have read something interesting on a Facebook.
One of my husbands cousins has posted the following:
WARNING: if you received a friend request from Karen Ellemann, Lene Espersen, Lars Lokke or Pia Kjaersgaard, do not accept it! IT'S A VIRUS that removes your retirement, steals from the poor, import cheap labor, gives your child 32 classmates and sets limits to love.
Funny and sad summary of the Danish politics.
As I have already commented several times, Danish government ones in a while comes up with a brilliant idea or two.
I am not that concerned about my pension, as I can see most likely my generation will be working til our 70s, so all that discussion regarding retirement is not of my business. But I have my dear friends and colleagues, who are rapidly approaching the pension age and I can see that it does concern them.
I can see that all the cleaning and craftsman were taken over of eastern Europe nations. Nothing wrong with that, however what should we do with our work-force?
All the educational reforms end up with less money for education, more kids in classes, less focus on education in general. I am happy again that doesn't concern us, as we go to a completely different system, but in a long run, when my kids will go to university, it will be my problem as well.
And the famous boarder for love. Well, we lived with 24 years rule, but how about now? If you come from an EU or OECD countries then your, so to say, qualified to be integrated, if you are from the other "banana" republic, then you should prove for the government that you are worth to stay. And this is just one step. If gets worse.
Any way, getting back to Facebook message. I just liked it. I agree with the post, I agree with the frustration, but on the other hand I love this country, believe it or not.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
State may lose millions on new law on artificial insemination
A new law that makes people to pay fees for artificial insemination could eventually have cost the government more than it actually would save by not having introduce the law.
Surprise? Not really.
The new law was introduced from the 1st of January 2011 where one is facing fees for artificial insemination in public sector. Up to that day Danish tax-payers could get 3 treatments at states expense.
Now own payment means that a childless couple must calculate with having to take out of their pocket between 15,000 and 30,000 kroner for the treatments. And it has caused many to stay away from clinics.
It is so weird to hear that Danish population is getting older, there are not enough young people who would be able to support the economy in about 25 years. And so what does the government do? Yes, it comes up with a brilliant idea of asking for fees for artificial insemination. How clever is that?
Right now all you can read in the newspaper a shocking discovery on the facility conference in Stockholm. One of the highlights are that fewer people will seek fertility treatment, because they themselves must pay. That means fewer births and thus fewer people who can contribute to the economy with their taxes.
Am I chocked? Not really. Why does the government thinks in a short run, not in the long run. Yes, they will save the money now, but who will pay the bill later, when in comes in the form on lost tax revenues?
The two scientists wrote in their report that a decrease in the number of treatments of 30-50 percent as a result of the new standards for user fees in Denmark means that the state in 2034 will have saved between 500 and 830 million kroner.
However in 2059, then 25 years later, the state will in turn have lost between 555 and 920 million kroner. A loss due to less tax because there will be fewer children born to pay taxes.
Surprise? Not really.
The new law was introduced from the 1st of January 2011 where one is facing fees for artificial insemination in public sector. Up to that day Danish tax-payers could get 3 treatments at states expense.
Now own payment means that a childless couple must calculate with having to take out of their pocket between 15,000 and 30,000 kroner for the treatments. And it has caused many to stay away from clinics.
It is so weird to hear that Danish population is getting older, there are not enough young people who would be able to support the economy in about 25 years. And so what does the government do? Yes, it comes up with a brilliant idea of asking for fees for artificial insemination. How clever is that?
Right now all you can read in the newspaper a shocking discovery on the facility conference in Stockholm. One of the highlights are that fewer people will seek fertility treatment, because they themselves must pay. That means fewer births and thus fewer people who can contribute to the economy with their taxes.
Am I chocked? Not really. Why does the government thinks in a short run, not in the long run. Yes, they will save the money now, but who will pay the bill later, when in comes in the form on lost tax revenues?
The two scientists wrote in their report that a decrease in the number of treatments of 30-50 percent as a result of the new standards for user fees in Denmark means that the state in 2034 will have saved between 500 and 830 million kroner.
However in 2059, then 25 years later, the state will in turn have lost between 555 and 920 million kroner. A loss due to less tax because there will be fewer children born to pay taxes.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Broken arm and etc.

So, the news of the day is that I have managed to break my arm. The good news is that I don't need to pack, the bad news is I have to go with the cast on my arm for 6-8 weeks.
Anyway it was dark, I have overestimated my ability to see in the dark and the knowledge of the basement, so there it was... A huge fall, then I thought I can sleep over that. Well, my conclusion... One can't. So believe it or not I am with the cast now.
On the Canada issue. We got a contract, signed and now we are in the process of filling out the huge amount of paper, talking to the lawyers, going to court to sign the papers. All in all the process is moving so we have hoping to move by the end of our vacations.
On the sentimental part... We have had 3 farewell parties: for Masha with nail-polish, for David with water fight and for us with a flood in Copenhagen... Well we had a great party, not even a drop of rain, while at the same time in the central Copenhagen has been flooded. So I know that our guest will remember that day, but I hope because of us and not because of the flood.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
paper work

So, today, apart of working we were doing all the paper work, well, as much as we could do.
The moving company has been by, asking us what we are taking with and leaving behind. The moving agent was surprised how little stuff we were having. There is a question about violins, and about how we will ship them to Canada. As we have 6 of them, it might be hard to take them all as a hand luggage and it might be too warm in a container, depending where it is standing in a cargo ship. No food is allowed and we might have a challenge with vine as well. There are some import taxes on vine and as we have over 50 bottles of different ones we will have to decide what to do. To drink, or to storage, or to pay, that is the question.
Then it was a tax officer. And you know, we have decided, to pay Danish taxes. Yes, you have heard us. Yes, yes, yes. For the first time we are proud to be Danes and we will be continueing being Danish as long as possible. ;-)
P.S. Why are there tax offices are so boring? The girl was so nice and I should say, beautiful, but boy, could she find more unattractive clothes?
Then it was the time to get birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc in english. What we can say, some offices are cooperative, some are not. And those who were not, they were 100% uncooperative. We got everything except one paper, which we hope we will get in a day or two.
Now the tickets and credit cards are coming up.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Montreal it is

Decision has been made. First year of 2 year assignment will be in Montreal, Canada.
All in all it was "easy" to make that decision.
School: there is no place for Masha in the french school in New York, so far, however she is on the waiting list.
Work: even that I have been trying to do my best by contacting Nordea in New York, it looks like they are not interested. Well, their loss, not mine.
Living conditions: it is cheaper, closer to European way of thinking and living, and then Morten will be close by.
And then housing: The prices we have seen were quite affordable and nice ones as well. And maybe I get to get a garden and a lake view and a fireplace and a bathtub.
Language: french, my dream. I always wanted to learn and to speak French. Why do you think David goes to a french school?
Hippos: there are hippos in the zoo, next to Montreal, so that is covered as well.
Sports: Morten will get to try skiing. ;-)
So the inspection trip in coming up in 10 days. Let us see what it will bring.
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Denmark is going into the wrong direction. Since I came here in 2000, it has been going from bad to worse.
Did you hear the latest news? Now Denmark wants to set a boarder line between Germany and Denmark back. It order to make sure who is coming into the country. They say they want to protect themselves from Romanian and Polish people who are coming here to steal and ask for money. But whom will it effect in the reality? Someone like me, someone who needs to have a visa for her mum to visit, which makes it impossible after all.
The new rules in order to get a permanent residence is insane. For someone like my friends, who came here as au pairs, worked, studies, learned language, got work and it is almost impossible to obtain one if they haven't been a member of a football club or some kind of a freewill organization for a year or two.
So the clever rats leave the ship, and they do it fast, before Denmark turns up to be Germany of 1935s, and they it will really go wrong.
a bit of everything

Too many things, too many plans.
We have been facing a huge changes in our lives. Everything, you name it. It is so strange and huge and hard to explain.
On a daily life things are going as they usually are:
Morten is getting ready for a new start. Getting organized paperwork, calling lots of people about insurances, schools, etc.
Zhenya is taking it to extreme at work. Doing her best, and doing all the practical and sensible organization.
David is having concerts that are coming up in June. School is doing good, and the grades are good as well.
Masha started to go to tennis, continuing going to ballet and started on house back riding this Saturday. No school yet, however.
For Zhenyas birthday we have been in Hamburg, and met one of Zhenyas friends Natasha, whom she hasn't seen for almost 13 years. Fun to see where you end after all those years.
Mortens birthday is coming up and there are some plans, but one never know where one will end up right on that day.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
London and ...
So, we are back from London.
One of the best vacations ever. we thank Chris for his hospitality, friendship and patience.
And you know what... we have the most biggest change happening in our lives....
One of the best vacations ever. we thank Chris for his hospitality, friendship and patience.
And you know what... we have the most biggest change happening in our lives....
Monday, April 11, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
London - we are coming and all the other stuff

So, things are changing or not, not sure.
We are on our way to London to see how the "old" Chris is doing. He is going to host us for the whole week. Funny, Morten wants to see London as a tourist and I want to see the country site. So we will see what we will end up with.
It is good to have Chris close by, not in Thailand and we do miss him a lot. But we are going to Tanzania together and hopefully India as well, so he will be seeing us a bit this year.
Monday to Friday has been passing so fast since I have changed the work. It is a complete change, if Credit Control was something like a vacation (20 hour) job, Business Support is something up to 60 hours a week, with lots of demand. I love the fact that it is a rapid inviroment but, boy, I am dead at the end of the week.
what else is new.... Morten is getting close to my 3rd Christmas wish, a bit late but I am so proud of him. Other then that the situation at his job is changing, now they actually do actual work and not only planning. So Hurrah for that.

David is starting his violin concerts. He will be playing on the 1st one on the 10th of April in Roskilde. He is actially a solist for one of the pieces. He is getting there, however we are still getting this attitute:

Ábby is Abby. She is going to play tennis starting May, 1st. So that is great!!! So is so exited. Now it is spring, finally, so we need to find out somthing about the horses for her.
I guess that is about it.
Oh, no... 2 more things: we are renovtion the house. So at the moment we are living in the living-room as we are remodelling our bedroom. It takes time, as there are about 4 lagers of wallpaper we need to get rid of. and the second thing is that I have discoved I like to be in the garden. It allows me to get away from the reality. So surprise, but I even decided to use our greenhouse. How cool is that.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Venice-Paris-Budapest / Tanzania-India

Well, do not believe that picture. We have managed to make all those trip in the past 2 months: a week in Venice, a weekend in Paris and a week in Budapest.

We have Chris with us. Yes, he survived all 6 days with us, sharing a small hotel room with 4 of us. Impressive and we don't have to pay for a mental hospital for him efter those suffering holidays. Venice was nice, dry, expensive and great fireworks. Lots of different trips, not only in Venice iiself but to Verona as well.

Just us, no kids, to get rid of the Bonus point. Wonderful, apart of the black out in the hotel the morning we were about to leave the hotel and no public transportation at 4,30 in the morning. Hippopotamus restaurants, great meetting with Daniel and Marie, lots of trips again (Mortens first time to Paris), and food, food, food. And this time many presents for kids: books and school stuff, what boring parents are we.
Got a surprise apartment offer from my bank. So we took it and we do not regret. 6 wonderful days in East Europe. Boy, you can't understand that language, don't even try. Labirynth, zoo, circus, outside baths, sinagogue, but not the shopping. They fashion is something beyond my understanding.

Above that everything is quite and we are about to plan trip to Tanzania with Chris again and to India (TUG 2011) with Chris once again.
So safari and Taj Mahal here we come.....
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