Wednesday, March 19, 2008

violin training


We are preparing for the concerts. Usually I am playing the piano part on my violin.
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Saturday, March 15, 2008

I am

How can I describe myself:
Dr. Buddy Rydell: "Dave, there are two kinds of angry people - explosive and implosive. Explosive is the type of individual you see screaming at the cashier for not taking his coupon. Implosive is the cashier who remains quiet day after day and then finally shoots everyone in the store. You're the cashier."
Dave Buznik: No, no, no. I'm the guy in the frozen food section diallin' 911. I swear.

Let Russians Be Russians

A good many of the questions I have been receiving as "Russian" have had to do with the president of Russia, politics, and the sorry state of democracy in Russia. Having lived there only during my university years, 5 to be exact, I have a hard time being too critical of the way things are. They are the way they are! I have shared what I know of 'the man on the street's' opinion, but this article, and this quote in particular I think expresses my standpoint about as clearly as is possible.
P.S. I'm not attempting to get into politics - just sharing my thoughts.

Thursday, March 13, 2008. Issue 3860. Page 8.
Let Russians Be Russians

By Rodric Braithwaite

"George Kennan, that great Russia-watcher and U.S. diplomat and historian, got it right when he wrote in 1951, at the height of the Cold War: "When Soviet power has run its course ... let us not hover nervously over the people who come after, applying litmus papers daily to their political complexions to find out whether they answer to our concept of 'democrats.' Give them time; let them be Russians; let them work out their internal problems in their own manner. The ways by which people advance towards dignity and enlightenment in government are things that constitute the deepest and most intimate processes of national life. There is nothing less understandable to foreigners, nothing in which foreign influence can do less good."

It is the wisest advice, but it is blissfully ignored by our policymakers who, like latter-day Christian missionaries, believe that we have a duty to spread the gospel of democracy -- by military force, if necessary. Russians are not the only ones who find that proposition distinctly suspect."

Sir Rodric Braithwaite, British ambassador to the Soviet Union and Russia from 1988 to 1992, is author of "Moscow 1941: A City and its People at War." This comment appeared in the Financial Times.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spanish memories

Fog and driving in the mountains:


Happy kids:

Great company:


Me making out. Hm....:

And the first step: