Monday, November 28, 2011

Job interview in Canada

Well, today I got my first Canadian interview. Actually if was the second one, as the first one was over the phone.
Generally it is the same way as in Denmark, one needs to tell why this company, where do you see yourself in 5 years.
What I have found a completely different is the test part.
The whole interview was 4 hours. Yes, 4 hours. 1 hour one uses to talk about stuff, you know, what the job is about etc. The other 3 is a test. And yes, it is a test of ones knowledge with no help. You just get a piece of paper with tasks, computer and off you go. So, in other words, it doesn't matter where you worked before, who is your uncle or who is your golf buddy (however the last one might still help). Here, it is a matter of your knowledge, way of thinking creatively, outside of the box and not to panic.
Everything happens in a nice way, with a smile.
So no matter what I got an interview!

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