Thursday, May 31, 2012


So, I just did my mid-evaluation. What I find quite a difference between Denmark and Canada, that in here (at least in my company), your manager doesn't try to make you feel bad and put you down. Yes, that is the Nordea style (for some) unfortunately. And to tell you the truth, that works much, much better! Instead of been pointed out your mistakes all the time, you try to take your strengths and use them even more. On the down side of the evaluation, I have again and again been confirmed that I am a nerd. "The only one who can calculate a correlation factor manually"  And yes, that is a complement! Ok, I will admit, Oracle, SQL, SAS and statistics will not scare me at all but, please, think about how on earth one should develop good relationships in the company with that kind of description, especially when you are trying to be a lady. But... I am working on in. I am trying to be more social and getting out for a beer or two once in a while with my colleagues or eat lunch and discuss hockey, murders, politics and not! medical care. ;-)

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