Saturday, Sunday and Monday... From 9:00 to 15:00... 3-4 violin lessons a day...
Poor me, I have to make sure that David makes it til the end of every day.
So far it is going quite good, only couple of hysterical moments and no "dead" Davids yet.
Davids group (B) had 2 teachers from Finland that were trying to teach poor kids not only violin but how to count til 3 in finish. Funny but teachers from Finland are using a lot of words, they are trying to explain things 5 year old kids. making their and kids lives very hard, full of misunderstandings. think about it. the teachers tells the children: "Those who can play with fingures "ABC" should stay up and play, those who know how to play but can't follow with the tempo should play on an open string and those who haven't learnt that should clap". 5 year old kid doesn't even know where he/she is, so I am not talking about trying to understand
the sentence and try to figure out which of these 3 group one should be in?
We have realized that teachers from Finland find it easier to teach 25 kids the word "down" in English then to say the same word in Danish....
Above all bilingual kids one of the teachers loves to choose David and one Chinese boy to help, they both can speak more then one language, just not quite English....
I don't understand some of the parents. there are so over their kids that once in a while one begins to think that it is dangerous for these kids to be near the others because of their parents.... One of the moms keep moving other kids away from her daugther... after 3rd time in 20 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore and since I can get away with murder (hormons, pregnant women), I told her everything I thought about her attitute towards other children. That didn't help, so I was forced to tell the director of the workshop, so lets see what will happen tomorrow.
and what do we do during the breaks? Right!!! Homework!!!
P.S. the girl in pink is Davids violin-girlfriend.
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