Last week David went camping with his school. THere were not so many places, but we have managed to sign him in time so he was one of the lucky 15 kids. THe most important fact was that Davids girlfriend, Pauline, went together with him.
So a day before the trip things like sleeping bag, food, batteries were suppose to be found or bought. And of course the packing happened to be in the morning, right before the trip. I was teaching David where to put his glasses during the night, how to get himself packed into the sleeping bag, what to do, if it rains, or if he gets scared. I have managed to tell him what to do with the flash light nad how to use it.
In other words, David is NOT ready for such adventures, but his mum, happens to sign him to different activities.
The kids went to the south of Copenhagen, where they were sleeping on the beach and singing (french) songs next to the fire.
This was the first time David went to such activity, so I have asked him, afterwards what he thinks about camping.
Well, he didn't like it what so ever. And you know why? Because you need to work! that is a quote. Yep, you need to work! Surprise! Work! So not like hotel when you go to the restaurant and there is food, and bed, ready to sleep. Here you need to go 4 km. with your stuff, then put it together, then get wood for the fire and then make your own food. Thank goodness they were not asked to catch there own food first.
So I guess more camping for such a gentelmen, so he will taste the reality of life. ;-)
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