Saturday, November 3, 2007

Davids Birthday





Yep, we made it. The Birthday Party was a success and we are still alive.
There were 5 boys (Ukranian, Latvian/Danish, Swedish/Danish, Danish/Dutch, Danish/Cameroon), 3 girls (American/Indian, French/Danish, French/German) and of course (Russian/Danish) David. Common language happened to be Danish, as all the children were either born here or have been living here for quite some time.
We managed to get everyone to the airport, where we saw some planes (a huge experience for 5-6 year old ones), and then it was McDonalds time.
Morten was great! So great with children, that I had to asked him that maybe he should change his occupation and work with children on daily basis. Don't worry, he is not going to but our children are going to be blessed to have Morten as Daddy.
I can say as well that Niels, Davids dad was present and both Niels and Morten managed to play cool during the party, which I believe was not easy what so ever.
Anyway, it seems like all the kids enjoyed the party, food (some ate 2 Happy Meals!!!) and excursion into McDonalds' freezer(!).
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