Things are moving quite quickly now. I wake up, go to work, get totally confused with so much new stuff, get a squared head (try to listen and understand English with Danish/Swedish/Norwegian/Finnish accents during the same meeting), pick up the kids, get home, do violin and homework, and off to bed. This is the schedule of mine for the past 5 days.
Systems do not work at my work, so it make me battle inside and really someone is testing my temper. So far, so good. At the end of the mouth I will be on the "wanted list" at our IT-department, as I make the largest amount of service requests. And all comes to the point, IT forgot all about me, so I got an empty computer.
On the bright side, I have a wonderful team, all are helpful, even in the critical situations (I have managed to burn my hand on the 4th day at work). Questions are welcomed (so far).
David is having 2 weeks of holidays (lucky him) and Masha is taking off with him. Too make sure that the big brother is fine.
We got a HUGE couch, it is white and has been white for the past 2 weeks. There is a plan to make a bathroom bigger, but so far it is still a plan.
What else... Oh, David got bigger violin. Which reminds me that we have found ourselves in the middle of the conflict. Our Norwegian teacher thinks that we need 1/8 violin, while our Russian teacher things we need 1/2. So David got 1/4. (Couldn't wait till America). He is very proud and happy for his violin. And so am I.
And last but not the least, I am including the diagram of the way my IT department handle there job and my way of struggling with them. ENJOY!!!

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