Finally I have decided to write something to the blog. Life is going so fast that it begins to give me frights.
If I begin to tell what has happened for the past 6 months it will take too long time...
But in short, what did happen last year...
I got a little girl,
I have changed work, sold an apartment, got a new one with a view to the sea, photos of which I still didn't manage to post...
I became a EU citizen, and while 'burning my passports on the dour-steps of the embassy', I have discoveret that I was not the only happy one, there were 2 other my former and my current citizens that were happy to get away from Russia...
I have visited almost half of the Europe, have travelled to Africa, have managed to get to 2 car accidents, but got into the mountains in Spain from the first time and managed to turn on the 1st (not the 3rd road) on a round about in Ireland.
I have managed to miss all the viokin concert of Davids in Denmark, the same applies to the parent meetings.
That is about all that I can remember from the past year. And now, it is 9 o'clock, and I need to get back to work, as noone has cancelled risk analysis, noone has canceeled currency backtesting. But my promotion has been cancelled and I have just managed to brag about that financial crisis didn't touch us....
Well, happy new 2009 year.
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