Well, do not believe that picture. We have managed to make all those trip in the past 2 months: a week in Venice, a weekend in Paris and a week in Budapest.

We have Chris with us. Yes, he survived all 6 days with us, sharing a small hotel room with 4 of us. Impressive and we don't have to pay for a mental hospital for him efter those suffering holidays. Venice was nice, dry, expensive and great fireworks. Lots of different trips, not only in Venice iiself but to Verona as well.

Just us, no kids, to get rid of the Bonus point. Wonderful, apart of the black out in the hotel the morning we were about to leave the hotel and no public transportation at 4,30 in the morning. Hippopotamus restaurants, great meetting with Daniel and Marie, lots of trips again (Mortens first time to Paris), and food, food, food. And this time many presents for kids: books and school stuff, what boring parents are we.
Got a surprise apartment offer from my bank. So we took it and we do not regret. 6 wonderful days in East Europe. Boy, you can't understand that language, don't even try. Labirynth, zoo, circus, outside baths, sinagogue, but not the shopping. They fashion is something beyond my understanding.

Above that everything is quite and we are about to plan trip to Tanzania with Chris again and to India (TUG 2011) with Chris once again.
So safari and Taj Mahal here we come.....