I always found it funny to talk about Russian Health System. Well, now I have seen how Danish Heath System works and I am not sure if I should cry or should laugh.
I have decided to make an eye surgery, as I have been having an eyesight of -8 on both eyes since I was a kid. In Denmark if one has -6 and below, one considered to be eye handicapped and in that case the state pays all the expenses to the surgery. So one actually does saves about 50000 DKK (10000$)
The procedure is quite simple one you get to understand the rules of the game.
Step one: You go to your eye doctor and get checked. Then the doctor sends an information to the hospital specialized in eye surgery. And you wait.
Step two: You get a letter saying that you got a time at the other side of DK in 3 months.
Step three: You call the hospital and tell them that you can't wait so long and you choose another hospital, in your region. ( In DK there is a rule that if you have to wait for more then a month to be checked by the hospital you have an opportunity to choose another hospital. ) And you wait.
Step four: The second hospital contacts you and tells you, that they do not perform such kind of surgery and send you to your own eye doctor. And you wait again.
Step five: Your doctor contacts you and you agree on the time of treatment.
You see, no way you can decide on a time and place from the get go. You have to go via this circle in order to get the treatment. And every link knows that this is the way it is, and you can't do anything about that.