Thailand was great but not as great as it could be if Morten could come with. I enjoyed Bangkok and Krabi. Hotels, food, shopping are wonderful. But how it is hard to travel with a five year old by yourself!!! That is a challange.
David has started at CP1. He is enjoying it, (well it helps to be in the same class with ones girlfriend) but there is a lot of homework for a five year old one, so I have to learn French.
We are on the 27th week so it is not so long til ms. abigail is going to be born. the doctor moved us to the 14th of December (the plan was on the 27th). Funny but 14th of December is a big day in Denmark. It is a Chtistmas party day. F.eks. I am having a Christmas party at my work that day, so the idea is to eat very good, dance as much as it is possible and to get drunk, then everything will go very nicely and smoothly.
And the biggest news is that Morten proposed me. Jep. In the most unromantic matter (typical for him, unfortunatelly) but it is just great to have a fianceƩ. We are not sure when the big day will happen, too many thingsl unfortunatelly at the moment. We have to find a place to live, get sorted out our Masters, our kids, etc.