Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Loosing" a friend

Yesterday I called one of my dear friends, I got to know during my French classes in Montreal. It was wonderful to hear her voice, but the news I got was not that wonderful. She has been applying for an extention of her stay in Canada. It was a long process and last Thursday she got a negative answer. So now, she has to leave the country as soon as possible.
It is not only I am loosing a friend, thanks to Internet, Scype, Facebook, we will keep in touch, and Ukraine is something where I can go to, but it is the fact of that a person like her, a hard-working person, honest, has been denied an apportunity to stay.
As many from the former Soviet Union, people try to find a better life outside of their country: - some, for themselves, - some are motivated to create a better future for their children, - some, just don't see any future in their motherlands. When these poeple come to a new country, they don't sit and wait for the government to support them, to provide for everything. They work, they integrate, they do all they can to do a be the citizens of the country they are in. So the question is, why? Why do countries don't allow these people to continue to contribute to the society.
During my life in Denmark I have seen people that were granded a status of an immigrant, because there were "in danger" in their own country (right, maybe 5% were, but not all of them), and as soon as they recieved their status, they did nothing, absolutely nothing. It took them years to learn the language (forgive me, but Danish is one of the easiest language to learn), but why to hurry, they got paid to go to the language school. Then the job, again, why to find it, if you can get away with receiving a support money from the government and stay at home. The best way is to get as many children as possible and then you are good to go for a long time.
And then there were people like me: learning language, taking education (again, as my education was apparently not good enough, or I should say not Danish enough), getting jobs, paying taxes,never get any government support. But somehow we always found ourselves in a worse position, always had to prove that we were worth to be allowed to stay.
My friend has a Ph.D in phylosophy, but she was working as a cleaning lady for the past several years. Not by choice, but because she needed to feed herself and her son. She never asked for any government help, she just did all she could to provide. She even paid for French courses out of her own pocket just to make sure she can be a full part of the society. And now... She has to go back.
Yes, there is no war in Ukraine, there is no political regression, but have you been there? It is glamour, it is peaceful, but is there any future in that country for her or for anyone who is honest?
She is not just 25 years old lady, that can somehow start her life again.
I wish I could help, I wish I could put sense in the immigration authority and point out to what idiots they are. But right now, I can only cry with her and try to incourage her not to give up and to try to find another way out of there.

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