Yesterday I got a ring from Davids friends mum. I got informed that her car broke down and she asked me if I could help her.
Well... What will come into your mind. To pick up her son, to help him to get home, something like that, right.
NO, NO and NO.
She has asked to help, so that her son and his little sister could live at our place for a week!!! or so until she will get her car back as it will be too hard for her to manage to get kids to school. A WEEK OR SO?! US!? RIGHT NOW?!!!
So me and Morten began to imagine that my water breaks down during the night, we get myself, 2 - 6 year old boys, 1 - 3 year old girl into the car and off we go to give brith all of us. Well, I good lesson for all of them, I am not doubting about that.
What I don't understand what on earth she was thinking. I personally have a problem to ask someone to pick up David from school if I am at the hospital and here...
p.s. there is a direct bus from their home to the school
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