Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Way to survive in Quebec - 2

It is winter... It has been winter for a loooong time..... I remember my first year in Canada the winter lasted "only" 3 months. 3 months?!!! And they call it a short winter?!!! 
This year winter seems to be the worse of all. In Quebec they do get a week or two with constant -20 but that is usually close to the end of the winter, however this year it has been cold and cold for 2 months on the row. 
How how is winter in Quebec? The first answer that comes on the mind is... That the winter is REAL here. And it is CHANGEABLE, because one never know how it is going to be during the day, that it can change from bad to worse and to bad again. 
Generally I love winter. I love when it is -5 C, snowing a little... I love seeing my children having fun in the snow when weather permits. 

I remember back in my university years, I have travelled to the remote areas of Siberia and tried -40 occasionally, when it is almost impossible to go out. I even tried to freeze a tip of my nose which is since then a very sensitive to the cold weather. 
So how do they survive this hash climate:
1. Weather forecast. For many weather forecast is the first thing on the mind. And it is not that only the temperature but the windchill, which can create dangerously cold conditions. 
2. They dress warmly in layers with a wind and waterproof outer layer. 
3. Purchase the best warm boots and the best warm jacket on the market, even if will cost you a fortune. 
4. Attend winter festival. Dozens of cities throughout Canada hold festivals to celebrate the winter months.  
5. If you have the time and ability, try such activities as skating, sledging, cross country skiing or snowshoeing.
6. if you have a little more budget and close to the hill, do alp skiing. There are plenty of opportunities in here. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Way to survive in Quebec - 1

There comes the time when one has lived long enough in the society to begin to detect interesting patterns of it.
For a long time, I was wondering why there is such a big difference between Francophone and Anglophone societies in Canada. One would think, you guys live in the same country, so there should be no difference between you. But no, this is absolutely not the case, no matter where one look.
I yet to fail to get a quebec francophone friend. Of all that time i have been living here, I have friends among French, Arab, Russian, Jewish, Canadiens but not Francophone Canadiens. And then you ask yourself a question, why is that? Am I different? I do not speak the language?
The answers can't be simple but let me try to answer those things for you.
The language? Well, one could think so, but then I think... Wait, I have French friends and we perfectly communicate with each other in Frenglish. Ahhh... then it is the continent... but wait, I have Anglophone Canadiens friends, absolutely awesome ones.... So what is it then?
As normal human beings we tend to find our own kind, no matter where we are and stick with them. Some nations are more open to others that other nations. The smaller nation is, the more trouble is has to imbrase the other nations. Why? Simple. We try to protect ourselves, our culture, our values from others. So, could it be mentality?
For a long time Francophone Canadiens were not allowed to get high posts, nor they were actually qualified for them. Many were farmers or sons of farmers and many posssed the lack of education and education.
The quite revolution of the 60s did change the whole province up side down. Quebec wanted separation, which resulted in many large international companies move their operations into Ontario but Francophone got their own "independence" perhaps not the way they intended but anyhow... Now they were encourage to go to universities, which many did and succeeded in that. So we think, great, fantastic, what is the problem. There is no problem, only that now, there is a pay back time, and the time, where people don't even realize what they do.
Many francophones did get an educations, but at the end of the day many are still "farmers in suits". Yes, they have an university degree but there is a major lack of that education which you receive at home in your surroundings. Many grew up on this "we are better now" and it is quite hard to deal with that in a proper way. In stead of getting better, many try to put others next to them down in order to look better themselves.
I wonder why? Why to do so? Is it because one has an inferiority complex? It is like you don't feel as good as the others so you try to deal with that by pushing the rest down. Is this a case of being oppressed for generations and now doing the same thing yourself? I am keeping wondering if English is a Language or a crime.
But I'll keep searching. And who know? I might be able to squeeze myself into the society and embrace and understand people that are forming it.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Way to survive in Denmark - 1

"Too big to fail".
"Too big to fail" is the expression that is connected to US financial crisis.

In 2010 Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke introduced the term and defined is "A too-big-to-fail firm is one whose size, complexity, interconnectedness, and critical functions are such that, should the firm go unexpectedly into liquidation, the rest of the financial system and the economy would face severe adverse consequences
He continued that: "Governments provide support to too-big-to-fail firms in a crisis not out of favouritism or particular concern for the management, owners, or creditors of the firm, but because they recognize that the consequences for the broader economy of allowing a disorderly failure greatly outweigh the costs of avoiding the failure in some way. Common means of avoiding failure include facilitating a merger, providing credit, or injecting government capital, all of which protect at least some creditors who otherwise would have suffered losses...If the crisis has a single lesson, it is that the too-big-to-fail problem must be solved."

"Interest-only loan"

In 2003 a new form of loan was introduced in Denmark, an interest-only loan. And interest-only loan is a loan in which, for a set term, typically 10 years, the borrower pays only the interest on the principal balance, with the principal balance unchanged.

While buying a property in Denmark the common practice is to get a loan over 30 years. The loan is usually 80% of the total price of the property and it is expected to have 20% in cash. Many do not posses such an amount so there comes the bank loan on a much higher interest rate. While introducing an interest-only loan, the intentions were absolutely right. To allow, especially the new buyers to take the loan, save up the money from the principal balance and use them to repay the more expensive loan, such as bank loan and the, after the set term had ended, start paying a higher rate than normal because you now effectively have a 20 year regular mortgage.

But... what did really happen?

"Luxury trap"

The idea behind an interest-only loan is absolutely great and the intentions were right. But what did consumers really do with that money? Statistics has shown the consumption of flat-screen television, stereo, cars, vacations, steaks had increased dramatically. So why is that?

Back in Denmark, one of the shows that I absolutely loved watching was "Luxury trap". Not only because this show made me feel good (which I will not deny, it did) but also I tried to understand why and how people get into the bankruptcy situation and how to avoid the same fate.

But the major theme from one program to the other was the "misunderstanding" of the concept of the loans. Of course, if you get that kind of the advice


"Misunderstanding"? The human nature is to consume and not safe. So what happens when people get more money between their hands? They start using them... I doubt that people were actually looking that far ahead and planning to pay all those borrowed money back.

And then I thought.... Wait a minute, what will happen if a critical mass of people in Denmark will get into the same situation of being on the edge of bankruptcy?
The social-democratic government will never allow the country to fail! In the beginning of the 21 century a major reforms on unemployment have been done and a stable economic development has been initiated.

So if a critical mass of people will get into trouble the government will kick in.

2014 will be an interesting year. This is the year were the first 10 year rate-only loans will end and I expect a massive change in a mortgage / bank systems. And I am sure social-democratic government will kick in one way or the other and save the day.

Unless... there is "Dancing with the stars" on the blue screens.